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Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Conspiracy, illuminati and technorati.


We have been looking at the interconnectedness of the internet, blogs and citizen journalists.

What pops into my head then? The illuminati! But fear not blogsphere friends... try spelling 'tasty cheese' backwards! Does it work? No. What am I getting at? Well we are all interconnected, we are all of differing views. Some are good, some are bad, some are downright mad... but: these views are the social glue that binds us. Without them we are nothing, not rulers and as you can see in the picture, not distant cousins third removed!

Like conspiracy theories, views are all a part of the make-up of modern social life. Millions of people belive in these theories. Many have spent their whole life trying desperately to justify their cause. Some have spent life's savings trying to convince the public aliens are real, others just have problems with aliens raping their electric broom!

"I thought I'd seen the last of him until somebody ransacked my house while I was at work on march 5," said the bewildered gardener. The next morning I heard gasping and grunting noises coming from my closet and when I opened the door I found the alien on top of my electric broom. He beat me up badly the last time we had a run-in so I didn't interfere. I ran out of the house and called the police on a neighbor's phone.But by the time they arrived the alien was gone and my electric broom was twisted like a corkscrew. I know it was the same space alien, he added, you never forget a face like that."
Again just to reconfirm my point that all these views are interconnected, if I had never come to Fiji and enrolled in JN201, I would not be blogging about aliens raping eletric brooms! BUT, I am and here we are. The blogsphere and it's environs is a digitally rich and fertile garden, we are the gardeners, some have green thumbs, some use too much manure... That is the problem with this fastly overgrowing digital compost heap. Luckily there are sites that can help with the morass of information available. Technorati is one such site, go to their home page, type in anything you like in their search space and see what comes up. Go on I dare you. You might not agree what is being written by the hordes of opinionated bloggers out there, but they damn well can blog about whatever they want, wherever they are. That is the joy of the blog. Because for some, a blog can seem like a chore (c'mon 201'ers :) but for others, a blog is a way of being heard, of being justified, a reason to be arrested-because for some, they understand that being a part of the blogsphere means being connected to the world. Ask any Chinese blogger if they feel oppressed or in danger for posting their blogs about the society they live in. But they can. And that's the point. No matter how ludicrous, extreme (try interviewing Buzz Aldrin and telling him the moon landing was faked!) or otherwise, blogs and the views that are contained among those sentences are now relevant. Have a read, open your mind, you might just find out where Elvis really is or perhaps whether those pesky scientologist's alien ghosts really do reside under that Hawaiian volcano...
But till net time, I'm off to find a mirror to see if what I have just written is readable in reverse and I'm going to double check some random dollar bills for signs of an impending new world order!