Collaboration is in their mutual long-term interest! These words send shivers down my cold, bumpy spine. What happens when a crooked ill-meaning sheriff meets a powerful kung-fu sorcerer?In the coming months, discussions on economic policy will be increasingly overshadowed by the political calendars in the two countries, which herald a gradual hardening of positions and less room for maneuver on both sides. This makes it unlikely we will see any major policy shifts in the bilateral relationship, unless dictated largely by domestic political and economic circumstances.
The two countries are increasingly dealing with each other on an even footing and recognize that collaboration is in their mutual long-term interests. However, there lies a rocky road ahead, as domestic economic and political priorities and constraints drive the short-term dynamics of this relationship.
That's right. Shitty Americanized kung-fu! Phooey! What we will all get is a hybridized version of what it means to be oriental. We will be fed orientalised orientalism! The coming years will in fact be worse than the fifties and sixties when, in America, the gunfighter was boss. That dusty bad-ass in his cowboy hat and old (usually suspiciously new looking though) boots. Riding into some hick town, all ready to clean up and take out the trash. It was all so simple! The good guy wore a white hat usually, the bad guy had a black hat! Guess who won most of the time? Yup, old goodie. Usually spouting off some moral cowboy goodness in a husky voice, reminiscent of a trusted grandfather, you know the one, the one who died of throat cancer from all those Marlborough lights! Ahhhh the naive simplicity.
NOW WHAT"S GOING TO HAPPEN??? HUH!!!!! I mean come on. How long has the popular press played up, or down depending on which side of the fence you are on, the Chinese menace? The yellow peril? AND NOW THEY ARE GOING TO JOIN FORCES!!!!!!! So now we will have a hello kitty culture meeting the best kind of teacher, Mr Consumerism. And they are going to go at it in the broom closet like there is no tomorrow! These two countries joining forces will make collective world leaders wince, like all the "real" cowboys did when they were outed on that really popular movie, Brokeback Mountain: No not the one underneath... The Funny cartoon Bunny one!
I know, I know... What's Borat got to do with anything? Well... Look how ridiculous they are together! These two movies go together like Nixon and the impeachment process! CLANG.
Can you imagine the looks of horror on anyone's faces if Bush senior was asked to host a dinner for the Chinese premier? "Sir... I will eat almost all of any flying bird, but Sir, I will not eat the feet!" That's when wen would use a ninja skill to flatten the ex-presidents ugly nose!
But I digress... there are more serious issues here.
If these two countries join forces and work together to corner the market on everything, lets face it, clothes, entertainment (tech stuff I mean not Bieber :( Oh no he's American isn't he... ohhhh), cars and all manner of items in our daily possession or commonly used will be made overseas on the cheap using cheap, slave labor, in hot sticky sweatshops! Oh... they already are? YAYYYYYYY :) What's the point of really being worried then? Huh??? Perhaps those cowboy Levis might get a little cheaper, or a little faker (just like the movies and the whole myth!), and perhaps we will all learn real Kung-Fu from bald headed, modest orientals who spout wisdom and drink only tea or whiskey!? Or like the true myth... learn from an American who died from hanging himself off a door whilst pleasuring himself! The only real problem with the two biggest myth makers in history becoming bedfellows is just that... what myth will they propagate? Who will become the enemy, whose wisdom will we be expected to follow? Oh well, lets just try and be optimistic about it... Perhaps it won't be too bad after all... Ahahahahahahahahahaha....
I'm glad to see you continuing your blog. I think you're about the only one from that class.
ReplyDeleteThanks Marc. It was a pleasure to come to Fiji. It was good to be able to jump into the 2nd year courses and not flounder too much! Thanks for your patience. Busy here, lots to do. Blogging an interesting way to get an opinion out there... Like obesity, a bit of a laugh unless it's all round YOUR hips! :) Cheers Troy